All functions |
Contingency periodogram |
Compute LCBD from any D matrix |
Scotch Whiskey Data Set |
TBI: Difference between multivariate observations at T1 and T2 |
Tiahura Transect Fish Data Set |
Whittaker-Robinson periodogram |
Construct asymmetric eigenvector maps (AEM) |
Construct a site-by-edge binary matrix |
AEM for time series |
Weight edges when constructing AEM variables |
Bacterial production data set |
Beta diversity computed as Var(Y) |
Decompose D in replacement and richness difference components |
Function to choose a connection network |
Class For Constrained Hiereachical Clustering |
Space- And Time-Constrained Clustering |
Combine dbMEM matrices corresponding to groups of sites |
dbMEM spatial eigenfunctions |
Directional indices of community change |
Dissimilarity matrices for community composition data |
Perform a test of the shared space-environment fraction of a variation partitioning using torus-translation (TT) or Moran Spectral Randomisation (MSR) |
Forward selection with multivariate Y using permutation under reducel model |
Parametric forward selection of explanatory variables in regression and RDA |
Geodetic Distances from Latitude and Longitude |
Geodetic Coordinates from Latitude and Longitude |
Compute the maximum distance of the minimum spanning tree based on a distance matrix |
Global and local tests |
Function to create a list of spatial weighting matrices |
Interactive tool to generate R code that creates a spatial weighting matrix |
Function to optimize the selection of a spatial weighting matrix and select the best subset of eigenvectors (MEM, Moran's Eigenvector Maps) |
Mastigouche Lake network data set |
Function to compute and manage Moran's Eigenvector Maps (MEM) of a listw object |
Selection of the best subset of spatial eigenvectors (MEM, Moran's Eigenvector Maps) |
Multi-frequential periodogram analysis |
Function to compute extreme values of Moran's I |
Function to compute Moran's index of spatial autocorrelation |
Function to compute positive and negative parts of Moran's index of spatial autocorrelation |
Multi-Scale Pattern Analysis |
Moran spectral randomization for fourth-corner analysis |
Moran spectral randomization |
Moran spectral randomization for Mantel test |
Moran spectral randomization for variation partitioning |
Function to compute neighborhood based on the minimum spanning tree |
Multivariate spatial analysis |
Compute AIC for models with orthonormal explanatory variables |
Function to compute polynomial of geographical coordinates |
Plots of the outputs of a temporal beta diversity analysis |
Plotting Method For Space- And Time-Constrained Clustering |
Function to display Moran's Eigenvector Maps (MEM) and other spatial orthogonal bases |
Rotate a set of point by a certain angle |
Function to compute a scalogram |
Space-time interaction in ANOVA without replication |
Function to compute and test eigenvectors of spatial weighting matrices |
Paired t-tests of differences between T1 and T2 for each species |
Permutational paired t-test |
Trichoptera data set |
Function to compute multivariate empirical variogram |