Given a set of points on the earth's surface, in latitude and longitude form,
this function returns the corresponding coordinates in X
and Y
(north-south) distances along the surface of the earth, from a
specified origin.
Pairs of latitude and longitude values for the points to be used.
The two latitude, longitude defining the origin for the desired coordinates. By default, the southwest corner of the data; that is, the minimum values for the supplied latitude and longitude coordinates.
The unit to be used for the coordinates, in meters; e.g.,
causes the coordinates to be in kilometers.
A two-column matrix of coordinates, with column names
"X", "Y"
The coordinates returned are an alternative to projecting the points onto a
plane or other surface. Unlike projections, there is no distortion or
approximation involved, other than computational error in the algorithm for
geodetic distances. The coordinates are in principle exact replications of
the latitude and longitude, but expressed in distances along the
corresponding horizontal and vertical geodesics. Essentially, the
coordinates are rotated to a parallel of latitude and a north-south meridian
through the origin
, and distances returned along those lines to the
latitude and longitude of the data points. For purposes of data
visualization, the advantage is that the points are suitable for plotting as
x, y
values directly, regardless of the location, so long as the range
of the latitude is not large compared to the surface of the earth.
The specific computation can be imagined as follows. For each pair of
latitude and longitude in the data, the corresponding x coordinate is the
distance from the origin to a point that has the same latitude as the origin
and the same longitude as the data. The y coordinate is the distance from the
origin to a point with the same longitude as the origin and the same latitude
as the data. In each case the distance is distance on the surface of the
earth, as computed by the algorithm in geoDist
, with a sign
given by the corresponding difference in latitude (for the y coordinate) or
longitude (for the x coordinate).
Vincenty, T. (1975). Direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the ellipsoid with application of nested equations. Survey Review, vol. 23(176):88-94.
, which computes the distances.
load(system.file("extdata/gpsObject1.rda", package = "adespatial"))
xy <- geoXY(gpsObject1$latitude, gpsObject1$longitude, unit = 1000)
plot(xy[,1], xy[,2], asp = 1)