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This vignette shows how direct and indirect gradient analysis can be handled in the ade4 package, with a special emphasis on three direct ordination methods: Coinertia Analysis, Redundancy Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis.


Simple methods presented in vignettes 2 (Description of environmental variables structures) and 3 (Description of species structures) describe environmental or species structures independently. However, an important question in Ecology is the analysis of the relationships between these two structures with the aim of understanding if/how the organisation of ecological communities is linked to environmental variations. In this chapter, we focus on the case where a number of sites are described by environmental variables and species composition. This leads to consider two tables with the same rows (i.e., the sites). Historically, ecologists have first used indirect approaches for interpreting the structures of species assemblages (structural information extracted by the analysis of the species data) in relation to environmental variability. Site scores along the ordination axes, which are composite indices of species abundances were compared a posteriori to environmental variables (indirect ordination, indirect gradient analysis). Progressively, new techniques were developed to constrain the ordination according to the table of explanatory environmental variables (direct ordination, direct gradient analysis).

Indirect ordination

The doubs data set has been described in vignettes 2 and 3. In indirect ordination methods, community data are first summarised and then interpreted in the light of environmental information. For instance, we apply a centred PCA on the species data while the environmental table is treated by a standardised PCA. Two axes are kept for each analysis.

data(doubs) <- dudi.pca(doubs$fish, scale = FALSE, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
pca.env <- dudi.pca(doubs$env, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)

To interpret the outputs of the species ordination, correlations between the axes kept in the two analyses can be computed:

#>            Axis1     Axis2
#> Axis1  0.5682058 0.3483176
#> Axis2 -0.4679404 0.6308694

The two ordinations are strongly linked. The first two axes of the fish ordination (columns) are linked to the two main environmental gradients (first two axes of PCA of the environmental table). To facilitate the interpretation, correlations can be computed between original environmental variables and species ordination scores:

#>           Axis1        Axis2
#> dfs  0.81690724  0.113670362
#> alt -0.67742048  0.001438816
#> slo -0.57154952  0.093089123
#> flo  0.78476404 -0.013730306
#> pH  -0.04933278 -0.252401703
#> har  0.44764032  0.038390495
#> pho  0.11485956  0.537131173
#> nit  0.46860409  0.309248079
#> amm  0.08400315  0.557866204
#> oxy -0.40335527 -0.655908104
#> bdo  0.08547836  0.702449371

The first axis is mainly correlated to geomorphological variables (distance from the source, flow, altitude, slope) whereas the second axis is more linked to chemical processes (biological demand for oxygen, dissolved oxygen, ammonium and phosphate). Note that the computation of these correlations is exactly equivalent to the projection, as supplementary elements, of the standardised environmental variables on the factorial map of the fish ordination. This projection step can be performed by the supcol function.

supcol.env <- supcol(, pca.env$tab)
#>           Comp1        Comp2
#> dfs  0.81690724  0.113670362
#> alt -0.67742048  0.001438816
#> slo -0.57154952  0.093089123
#> flo  0.78476404 -0.013730306
#> pH  -0.04933278 -0.252401703
#> har  0.44764032  0.038390495

These correlations can also be depicted on a correlation circle.


Correlations between environmental variables and sites scores on the first two axes of the PCA of fish species data.

Symmetrically, ade4 also offers the possibility to represent supplementary sites (which have not been involved in the computation of an analysis) using the suprow function. This can be useful for prediction purposes, allowing to compute an analysis on a number of reference sites and then using this model to evaluate the position for new sites.

It is usually assumed that environmental variables influence the distribution of species. In this context, it would be more appropriate to use a regression model to explain the fish species composition by environmental explanatory variables (e.g., lm($li[, 1] ~ as.matrix(doubs$env))). A variable selection procedure can be used to avoid overfitting and multicollinearity issues due to the high number (relative to the number of statistical units, i.e., sites) of correlated explanatory variables.

The main advantage of indirect ordination is its simplicity. Its main drawback is its lack of optimality: species ordination reveals the main patterns of community assemblage but does not guarantee that these structures are linked to environmental gradients. If a study focuses on species-environment relationships, two-table methods, that consider both environmental and species tables simultaneously, should be preferred.

Coinertia Analysis

As shown above, simple multivariate analyses are useful to identify the main environmental and species structures separately. Coinertia Analysis (Doledec 1994, Dray 2003c) aims to reveal the main co-structures (i.e., the structures common to both data sets) by combining these separate ordinations into a single analysis. This two-table method is based on the computation of a crossed array (cross-covariance matrix) that measures the relationships between the variables of both data sets.

In the ade4 package, the coinertia function is used to compute a Coinertia Analysis. All the outputs of this function are grouped in a dudi object (subclass coinertia).

The first two arguments of the coinertia function are the two dudi objects corresponding to the analyses of the two data tables. The two other arguments, scannf and nf, have the same meaning as in the other analysis functions.

Species and environmental tables should be analysed separately and then the coinertia function can be applied to compute the Coinertia Analysis:

(coia.doubs <- coinertia(, pca.env, scannf=FALSE))
#> Coinertia analysis
#> call: coinertia(dudiX =, dudiY = pca.env, scannf = FALSE)
#> class: coinertia dudi 
#> $rank (rank)     : 11
#> $nf (axis saved) : 2
#> $RV (RV coeff)   : 0.4505569
#> eigenvalues: 119 13.87 0.7566 0.5278 0.2709 ...
#>   vector length mode    content                        
#> 1 $eig   11     numeric Eigenvalues                    
#> 2 $lw    11     numeric Row weigths (for pca.env cols) 
#> 3 $cw    27     numeric Col weigths (for cols)
#>    data.frame nrow ncol content                                           
#> 1  $tab       11   27   Crossed Table (CT): cols(pca.env) x cols(
#> 2  $li        11   2    CT row scores (cols of pca.env)                   
#> 3  $l1        11   2    Principal components (loadings for pca.env cols)  
#> 4  $co        27   2    CT col scores (cols of                  
#> 5  $c1        27   2    Principal axes (loadings for cols)       
#> 6  $lX        30   2    Row scores (rows of                     
#> 7  $mX        30   2    Normed row scores (rows of              
#> 8  $lY        30   2    Row scores (rows of pca.env)                      
#> 9  $mY        30   2    Normed row scores (rows of pca.env)               
#> 10 $aX        2    2    Corr axes / coinertia axes               
#> 11 $aY        2    2    Corr pca.env axes / coinertia axes                
#> CT rows = cols of pca.env (11) / CT cols = cols of (27)

The plot function can be used to display the main outputs of the analysis. The barplot of eigenvalues (bottom-left) clearly indicates that two dimensions should be used to interpret the main structures of fish-environment relationships.


Plot of the outputs of a Coinertia Analysis. This is a composite plot made of six graphs (see text for an explanation of the six graphs).

Coinertia Analysis computes coefficients for environmental variables ($l1) and fish species ($c1) which are represented on the two graphs at the bottom of the plot (Y and X loadings). Hence, it is possible to interpret the different axes and identify relationships between variables of both data sets. The three groups (trout, grayling and downstream) are identified and their position is linked to the geomorphological variables on the first axis and to chemical variables on the second axis. For instance, the three species of the trout group (Satr, Phph and Neba) are present in upstream sites (high altitude and slope, low flow, etc.) where the oxygen concentration is high and the ammonium and phosphate concentrations are low. These loadings are used to compute two sets of site scores allowing to position sites by their species composition ($lX) or by their environmental conditions ($lY). Coinertia Analysis maximises the squared covariances between these two sets of scores.

The top-right graph of the plot represents sites by normed versions of these scores ($mX and $mY). Each site corresponds to an arrow (the start corresponds to its species score and the head to its environmental score). A short arrow reveals a good agreement between the environmental conditions of a site and its species composition while a long arrow indicates a discrepancy. For instance, the long arrows for sites 1, 8, 23, 24 and 25 reveal that these sites have few species and similar composition (the start of the arrows are close and located at the opposed direction of the species arrows) but very different environmental conditions (the head of these arrows are spread out). Hence, these sites can be seen as outliers in the global model of species-environment relationships identified by Coinertia Analysis because their species composition did not correspond to their environmental conditions. Indeed, species abundance and richness in these sites are very low due to pollution or to the fact that fish richness is also very low near the source of the stream.

Lastly, the two graphs on the left show the projection of the first axes of the two initial simple analyses ( and pca.env) onto the coinertia axes. These graphs provide a convenient way to look at the relationships between the main structures of each data set (identified by simple analyses) and the co-structures identified by Coinertia Analysis. For fish species data, the first two axes of the simple PCA are nearly equivalent to the coinertia axes. For environmental data, a rotation has been performed so that a coinertia axis mixes the structures of two PCA axes.

The summary function provides several useful results about the analysis, especially concerning the criteria maximised:

#> Coinertia analysis
#> Class: coinertia dudi
#> Call: coinertia(dudiX =, dudiY = pca.env, scannf = FALSE)
#> Total inertia: 134.7
#> Eigenvalues:
#>      Ax1      Ax2      Ax3      Ax4      Ax5 
#> 119.0194  13.8714   0.7566   0.5278   0.2709 
#> Projected inertia (%):
#>     Ax1     Ax2     Ax3     Ax4     Ax5 
#> 88.3570 10.2978  0.5617  0.3918  0.2011 
#> Cumulative projected inertia (%):
#>     Ax1   Ax1:2   Ax1:3   Ax1:4   Ax1:5 
#>   88.36   98.65   99.22   99.61   99.81 
#> (Only 5 dimensions (out of 11) are shown)
#> Eigenvalues decomposition:
#>         eig     covar      sdX      sdY      corr
#> 1 119.01942 10.909602 6.422570 2.326324 0.7301798
#> 2  13.87137  3.724429 2.863743 1.685078 0.7718017
#> Inertia & coinertia X (
#>     inertia      max     ratio
#> 1  41.24940 42.74627 0.9649824
#> 12 49.45042 50.90461 0.9714331
#> Inertia & coinertia Y (pca.env):
#>     inertia      max     ratio
#> 1  5.411785 6.321624 0.8560752
#> 12 8.251272 8.553220 0.9646978
#> RV:
#>  0.4505569

As for any object inheriting from the dudi class, the eigenvalues and percentages of (cumulative) projected inertia are returned. Information on the eigenvalues and their decomposition is also returned. Eigenvalues in Coinertia Analysis are squared covariances between linear combinations of species abundances ($lX) and environmental variables ($lY). The table Eigenvalues decomposition returns the eigenvalues (eig) and their square root (covar). The covariance is equal to the product of the correlation between $lX and $lY (corr), the standard deviation of the environmental score $lY (sdY) and the standard deviation of the species score $lX (sdX). The maximal possible values for the standard deviations are produced by the simple analyses of the initial tables (, pca.env) that identify the main structures of each data set. The two tables Inertia & coinertia compare the quantity of variance captured by the Coinertia Analysis (inertia) to the maximum possible value provided by the simple analysis (max). Hence it is possible to ensure that an important proportion of the information contained in each table (structures) is preserved when looking for co-structures (ratio).

Lastly, the summary function returns the value of the RV coefficient (Escoufier 1973) that measures the link between two tables. It can been seen as an extension of the bivariate squared correlation coefficient to the multivariate case. It varies between 0 (no correlation) and 1 (perfect agreement) and its significance can be tested by random permutation of the rows of both tables (function randtest):

#> Monte-Carlo test
#> Call: randtest.coinertia(xtest = coia.doubs)
#> Observation: 0.4505569 
#> Based on 999 replicates
#> Simulated p-value: 0.001 
#> Alternative hypothesis: greater 
#>     Std.Obs Expectation    Variance 
#> 8.052938433 0.085152650 0.002058915

In this case, the link between the composition of species assemblages and environmental conditions is highly significant.

Coinertia Analysis maximises covariances and thus can handle tables containing more variables than individuals. Its framework is very general and flexible: the coinertia function takes two dudi objects as arguments and thus can be used to link tables containing quantitative variables (dudi.pca), qualitative variables (dudi.acm), mix of both (dudi.hillsmith), fuzzy variables (dudi.fca), distance matrices (dudi.pco), etc. The only restriction is that rows (i.e., individuals) of the two tables are identical and that the same row weights are used in the two separate analyses. This implies to take some precautions, especially when Correspondence Analysis (CA) is used because this method is based on the computation of particular row weights. In this case, CA row weights should be introduced in the analysis of the second table: <- dudi.coa(doubs$fish, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
pca.env2 <- dudi.pca(doubs$env, row.w =$lw,
    scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
coia.doubs2 <- coinertia(, pca.env2, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)

As CA row weights have been computed using species abundance contained in the doubs$fish table, the permutation procedure should keep the association between the row weights and the rows of the first table. This is achieved using the fixed argument of the randtest function, thus permuting only the rows of the second table:

randtest(coia.doubs2, fixed = 1)
#> Warning: non uniform weight. The results from permutations
#> are valid only if the row weights come from the fixed table.
#> The fixed table is table X : doubs$fish
#> Monte-Carlo test
#> Call: randtest.coinertia(xtest = coia.doubs2, fixed = 1)
#> Observation: 0.636319 
#> Based on 999 replicates
#> Simulated p-value: 0.001 
#> Alternative hypothesis: greater 
#>      Std.Obs  Expectation     Variance 
#> 10.929489203  0.105364563  0.002360015

Analysis on instrumental variables

In species-environment studies, it is often assumed that environmental conditions influence species distributions. Coinertia Analysis is based on a covariance criteria and thus does not take into account this asymmetric relationship. Methods based on instrumental variables (also known as constrained/canonical ordination) consider explicitly that a table contains response variables that must be explained by a second table of explanatory (instrumental) variables. They allow to identify the main structures of the first table that are explained by the variables in the second table. In ade4, this way to go is provided by the pcaiv function. Redundancy Analysis (Rao 1964, Wollenberg1977) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (terBraak 1986) are two particular cases of such approach.

The pcaivortho function performs an analysis on orthogonal instrumental variables that focuses on the structures of the response variables that are not explained by the instrumental variables (Rao 1964). They are equivalent to pRDA and pCCA, i.e., partial CCA and RDA.

Redundancy Analysis

Redundancy Analysis (RDA) is a particular analysis on instrumental variables corresponding to the case where the table of response variables (i.e., species abundances) is treated by a PCA.

In practice, RDA is the PCA of a table containing the predicted values of species abundances by environmental variables.

In ade4, the pcaiv function is used to compute a RDA. All the outputs of this function are grouped in a dudi object (subclass pcaiv).

The pcaiv function takes two main arguments: an analysis of the response table (a dudi object) and a table of explanatory variable (an object of class data.frame). In ade4, the user must first use the dudi.pca function to identify the main variations in species composition and then use the pcaiv function to introduce environmental variables. This two-step implementation has a pedagogical aim by forcing users to interpret simple (unconstrained) structures before analysing structures explained by external variables. The outputs of the constrained and unconstrained analyses can then be compared to evaluate the role of explanatory variables.

RDA is performed by applying the pcaiv function with the object as first argument:

rda.doubs <- pcaiv(, doubs$env, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)

The object rda.doubs inherits from the class dudi. In rda.doubs$tab, the original fish table ($tab) has been replaced by the abundance values predicted by environmental variables:

#> [1] -0.7110707 -0.9017974 -0.1837108 -0.2878715 -0.3884491 -0.4447357
#>          1          2          3          4          5          6 
#> -0.7110707 -0.9017974 -0.1837108 -0.2878715 -0.3884491 -0.4447357

The plot function displays the main outputs of the analysis.


Plot of the outputs of a Redundancy Analysis. This is a composite plot made of six graphs (see text for an explanation of the six graphs).

There are two ways to interpret RDA outputs. In the first interpretation, the analysis computes loadings for the fish species ($c1) which are represented on the bottom-right graph. The three groups of species are identified. These loadings are then used to compute scores ($ls) for the sites. These site scores are thus linear combinations of species abundances maximising the variance explained by environmental variables. Fitted values of these scores predicted by environmental variables are contained in $li. Sites are positioned by two sets of score: the first set is based on the species composition ($ls) and the second relates to the environmental conditions ($li). Both sets are plotted simultaneously on the top-right graph of the plot. Residuals of the global species-environment model are represented by arrows (each site is an arrow and the start corresponds to its fitted environmental score and the head to its composition). A short arrow reveals a good agreement between the species composition of a site and its prediction by environmental conditions while a long arrow indicates a discrepancy.

In the second interpretation, the analysis seeks loadings for environmental variables ($fa) which are represented on the top-left graph, to compute a constrained principal component (linear combination of environmental variables stored in $l1). In this example, the first constrained principal component is mainly defined by the distance from the source (dfs) that corresponds to the highest loading. The constrained principal component maximises the sum of squared covariances with the fish species. Species are thus represented by these covariances ($co). Correlations between the constrained principal component and environmental variables are stored in $cor and plotted on the middle-left graph. The first constrained principal component is mainly correlated to geomorphological variables (positively with distance from the source and flow, negatively with altitude and slope). While the first dimension is mainly built with the distance from the source, it is strongly correlated with several other environmental descriptors. This lack of agreement between loadings and correlations is due to collinearity among variables (Dormann 2013) so that one variable (distance from the source) is sufficient to explain the effect of all geomorphological variables. The use of correlations should thus be preferred to interpret the different dimensions. This sensitivity of coefficients to collinearity is a major difference between RDA and Coinertia Analysis (Dray2003c).

Lastly, the middle-bottom graph shows the projection of the first axes of the initial simple analysis ( onto the RDA axes. This graph provides a convenient way to look at the relationships between the unconstrained structures and the structures explained by environmental variables. Here, there is a perfect agreement indicating that the main patterns of variation in species composition are fully explained by the environmental descriptors included in the analysis.

The summary function provides several useful results about the analysis, especially concerning the criteria maximised:

#> Principal component analysis with instrumental variables
#> Class: pcaiv dudi
#> Call: pcaiv(dudi =, df = doubs$env, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
#> Total inertia: 50.26
#> Eigenvalues:
#>     Ax1     Ax2     Ax3     Ax4     Ax5 
#> 38.4177  5.9540  2.4162  1.3387  0.7431 
#> Projected inertia (%):
#>     Ax1     Ax2     Ax3     Ax4     Ax5 
#>  76.441  11.847   4.808   2.664   1.478 
#> Cumulative projected inertia (%):
#>     Ax1   Ax1:2   Ax1:3   Ax1:4   Ax1:5 
#>   76.44   88.29   93.10   95.76   97.24 
#> (Only 5 dimensions (out of 11) are shown)
#> Total unconstrained inertia ( 66.08
#> Inertia of explained by doubs$env (%): 76.06
#> Decomposition per axis:
#>    iner inercum inerC inercumC ratio    R2 lambda
#> 1 42.75    42.7 42.59     42.6 0.996 0.902  38.42
#> 2  8.16    50.9  7.76     50.4 0.989 0.767   5.95

As for any object inheriting from the dudi class, the eigenvalues and percentages of (cumulative) projected inertia are returned. The function returns also the total inertia (variation) of the unconstrained analysis (i.e., and the percentage explained by the explanatory variables. In this example, 76% of the variation in species composition is explained by the environment. The function randtest is based on this quantity and allows to evaluate its statistical significance by randomly permuting the rows of the explanatory table:

#> Monte-Carlo test
#> Call: randtest.pcaiv(xtest = rda.doubs)
#> Observation: 0.7605909 
#> Based on 99 replicates
#> Simulated p-value: 0.01 
#> Alternative hypothesis: greater 
#>     Std.Obs Expectation    Variance 
#> 4.743641247 0.375748420 0.006581763

Lastly, the summary function also returns information on the eigenvalues and their decomposition. The initial analysis ( seeks linear combination of the variables with maximal variance. These variances and their cumulative sum are reported in the iner and inercum columns respectively.

## iner$eig[1]
#> [1] 42.74627
sum($li[, 1]^2 *$lw)
#> [1] 42.74627

In Redundancy Analysis, eigenvalues (lambda) measure amounts of variance in species composition explained by the environmental variables. Hence, each eigenvalue corresponds to the product of a variance (inerC) by a coefficient of determination (R2).

## lambda
#> [1] 38.41774
sum(rda.doubs$li[, 1]^2 * rda.doubs$lw)
#> [1] 38.41774
## inerC
sum(rda.doubs$ls[, 1]^2 * rda.doubs$lw)
#> [1] 42.59456
## R2
summary(lm(rda.doubs$ls[, 1] ~ as.matrix(doubs$env)))$r.squared
#> [1] 0.90194
summary(lm(rda.doubs$ls[, 1] ~ rda.doubs$li[, 1]))$r.squared
#> [1] 0.90194

RDA (which maximises the explained variance) can thus be seen as a PCA (which maximises the variance) with an additional constraint of prediction by the environmental variables. As RDA considers a compromise (product variance by coefficient of determination), the maximisation of the variance is not optimal and we can thus measure the effect of the environmental constraint by computing the ratio (ratio) between the variance obtained in RDA and the maximal value obtained in PCA.

## ratio
sum(rda.doubs$ls[, 1]^2 * rda.doubs$lw) /$eig[1]
#> [1] 0.9964509

Canonical Correspondence Analysis

Correspondence Analysis on Instrumental Variables (CAIV) corresponds to the case where the species response table is treated by Correspondence Analysis (CA). This method is known by ecologists under the name of Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). CCA is probably the mostly widely used method for direct gradient analysis. In ade4, it is performed using the general pcaiv function applied on a CA dudi object created by the dudi.coa function.

CCA is a particular analysis on instrumental variables, thus all interpretations of the outputs described for RDA remain valid. As it is based on CA, the principal characteristic of CCA is that it relates to weighted-averaging principle and thus provides an estimation of niche unimodal response to environmental gradient. We will focus on this aspect in this chapter. As RDA, CCA is simply performed using the pcaiv function:

cca.doubs <- pcaiv(, doubs$env, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)

Plot of the outputs of a Canonical Correspondence Analysis.

The cca.doubs object inherits from the dudi class. As for other two-table methods, the plot function displays the main outputs of the analysis.


According to the niche viewpoint, CCA seeks loadings for environmental variables (cca.doubs$fa) that are used to compute a site score (cca.doubs$l1).

cca.coef <- s.arrow(cca.doubs$fa, plot = FALSE) <- s.label(cca.doubs$l1, plot = FALSE)
ADEgS(list(,cca.coef), positions=matrix(c(0,0.6,0.4,1,0.3,0,1,0.7), byrow=TRUE,nrow=2))

Plot of the outputs of a Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Site scores as linear combination of environmental variables ($l1) and loadings for the environmental variables ($fa).

Then, species score can be computed by weighted averaging. For instance, the brown trout (Satr) is present in the following sites:

t(doubs$fish[doubs$fish[, 2] > 0, 2, drop = FALSE])
#>      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 29
#> Satr 3 5 5 4 2 3 5  1  3  5  5  5  4  3  2  1  1

Its position on the first two CCA axes can be computed using the weighted.mean function:

apply(cca.doubs$l1, 2, weighted.mean, w = doubs$fish[, 2])
#>        RS1        RS2 
#> -1.5268643 -0.4276247

The s.distri function can be used to position species on the sites plot. On the plot, the species (brown trout, Satr) is positioned by weighted averaging and segments link the species to the sites where it is present.

cca.Satr <- s.distri(cca.doubs$l1, doubs$fish[, 2, drop = FALSE], 
  ellipseSize=0, plines.lty = 2, plabels.cex = 2, plot = FALSE)
superpose(cca.Satr,, plot = TRUE)

Plot of the outputs of a Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Site scores as linear combination of environmental variables ($l1) and species positioned by weighted averaging (here, only the brown trout (Satr) is represented).

The getstats function returns the different statistics computed to produce the plot. Here, we obtain:

#> $means
#>            RS1        RS2
#> Satr -1.526864 -0.4276247

Species scores are directly computed when the cca.doubs object is created and stored in cca.doubs$co:

#>          Comp1      Comp2
#> Satr -1.526864 -0.4276247

Hence, a biplot can be drawn using the superpose function to represent simultaneously the site ($l1) and the species scores ($co) on the same plot.

cca.species <- s.label(cca.doubs$co, plot = FALSE)
superpose(update(, plabels.cex = 0, plot=FALSE), cca.species, plot = TRUE)

Plot of the outputs of a canonical correspondence analysis. Simultaneous representation of site and species scores.

Links with other methods or software are presented in this paragraph.


The vegan package contains the rda and cca functions and provides many additional functionalities for this type of analysis (significance tests, formula interface, conditional effects, etc.). The links between outputs from ade4 and vegan packages are summarised in the following Table in the case of Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The same equivalences exist in the case of Redundancy Analysis but some discrepancies are observed because vegan uses unbiased estimates for the variance (i.e., divided by n1n-1) while ade4 divides by nn to preserve some properties in the geometric viewpoint.

Objects ade4 vegan
Eigenvalues $eig $CCA$eig
Site scores (LC) $li
Unit-variance site scores $l1 $CCA$u
Site scores (WA) $ls $CCA$wa
Unit-variance species scores $c1 $CCA$v
Species scores $co
Species weights $cw $colsum
Site weights $lw $rowsum
Correlation with environmental variables $cor $CCA$biplot

Canonical Correspondence Analysis: equivalency between objects created by the ade4 and vegan packages. In vegan, the scores for sites and species can be obtained with the scores.cca function.

Discriminant Analysis

Canonical Correspondence Analysis shares many similarities with Green’s Discriminant Analysis (Green 1971, Green 1974). It can be demonstrated that both methods are identical except in the statistical objects considered in the analysis: they are the sites in CCA and the individuals in Discriminant Analysis. This equivalence between both approaches can be illustrated using ade4 functionalities. Each non-null cell of the doubs$fish table is associated to a given species, a given site and is characterised by a number of individuals:

idx <- which(doubs$fish>0, arr.ind = TRUE)
nind <- doubs$fish[doubs$fish>0]

It is then possible to inflate the data by duplicating the rows of the original environmental table doubs$env so that each row corresponds to an individual. A vector with the species names is also created to indicate the species identity of each individual:

env.ind <- doubs$env[rep(idx[, 1], nind), ]
species.ind <- names(doubs$fish)[rep(idx[, 2], nind)]
#> [1] 1004
#> [1] 1004
#> [1] 1004

Discriminant Analysis is then performed on the inflated tables. The aim of the analysis is to find a linear combination of environmental variables that maximises the separation of species identities.

pca.ind <- dudi.pca(env.ind, scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)
dis.ind <- discrimin(pca.ind, factor(species.ind), scannf = FALSE, nf = 2)

This Discriminant Analysis is equivalent to CCA:

#>  [1] 0.534524357 0.121838565 0.068703183 0.049167872 0.027089749 0.012940921
#>  [7] 0.009866962 0.005425199 0.003533575 0.002165512 0.001611664
#>  [1] 0.534524357 0.121838565 0.068703183 0.049167872 0.027089749 0.012940921
#>  [7] 0.009866962 0.005425199 0.003533575 0.002165512 0.001611664

In practice, this viewpoint has been developed for the analysis of herbarium data where environmental information is gathered for individuals and not for sites (Gimaret-Carpentier 2003, Pelissier 2003).

Between- and Within-Class Analyses

Between- and Within-Class Analyses are presented in vignette 4 (Taking into account groups of sites). These methods can be seen as particular cases of (orthogonal) analysis on instrumental variables where only one explanatory categorical variable is considered:

envpca <- dudi.pca(meau$env, scannf = FALSE, nf = 3)
#> [1] "factor"

Analyses performed by the bca (respectively wca) and pcaiv (respectively pcaivortho) functions are similar but the former produce additional outputs adapted to the analysis of a partition of individuals into groups.

The bca function is equivalent to the pcaiv when only one categorical variable is used as explanatory:

envbca <- bca(envpca, meau$design$season, scannf = FALSE)
envpcaiv <- pcaiv(envpca, data.frame(meau$design$season), scannf = FALSE)
#> [1] 1.5551200 1.0389730 0.5917648
#> [1] 1.5551200 1.0389730 0.5917648

We have the same link between wca and pcaivortho:

envwca <- wca(envpca, meau$design$season, scannf = FALSE)
envpcaivortho <- pcaivortho(envpca, data.frame(meau$design$season), scannf = FALSE)
#>  [1] 4.65054350 0.87006417 0.55651704 0.39003744 0.20546457 0.06549202
#>  [7] 0.03148325 0.02241936 0.01248411 0.00963672
#>  [1] 4.65054350 0.87006417 0.55651704 0.39003744 0.20546457 0.06549202
#>  [7] 0.03148325 0.02241936 0.01248411 0.00963672

These outputs are also equivalent to the results obtained with the rda function of the vegan package:

n <- nrow(envpca$tab)
eigenvals(rda(envpca$tab ~ meau$design$season), "constrained")[1:3]
#>      RDA1      RDA2      RDA3 
#> 1.6227340 1.0841458 0.6174937
envpcaiv$eig[1:3] * n/(n - 1)
#> [1] 1.6227340 1.0841458 0.6174937
eigenvals(rda(envpca$tab ~ Condition(meau$design$season)), 
#>       PC1       PC2       PC3       PC4       PC5 
#> 4.8527410 0.9078930 0.5807134 0.4069956 0.2143978
envpcaivortho$eig[1:5] * n/(n - 1)
#> [1] 4.8527410 0.9078930 0.5807134 0.4069956 0.2143978