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This function superposes two graphics and extends the graphical constraints of a first graphic to a second one.


superpose(g1, g2, which, plot = FALSE)
# S4 method for class 'ADEg'
e1 + e2



an object of class ADEg, ADEgS or trellis


an object of class ADEg, ADEgS or trellis superposed on g1


an object of class ADEg or ADEgS


an object of class ADEg or ADEgS superposed on e1


if g1 is an ADEgS, which ADEg is used as the base of superposition (g2 is superposed on g1[[which]])


a logical indicating if the graphics is displayed


The created ADEgS object is a layout of two graphical objects. Each of the two objects superposed still have its graphical parameters in the created layout. However, the ADEgS displayed favour the graphical parameters of the object below : displayed limits, grid, legend and axes are those of g1 (respectively e1) and g2 (respectively e2) has transparent background and labels' boxes.

The superpose method is defined for:

  • signature(g1 = "ADEgS", g2 = "ADEg", which = "numeric", plot = "logical")

  • signature(g1 = "ADEgS", g2 = "ADEg", which = "numeric", plot = "ANY")

  • signature(g1 = "ADEgS", g2 = "ADEg", which = "missing", plot = "ANY"): If which is missing, the last ADEg of g1@ADEglist is used as the base of superposition. In that case, which = length(g1)

  • signature(g1 = "ADEgORtrellis", g2 = "ADEgORtrellis", which = "ANY", plot = "ANY"): If g1 is an ADEg object, no which is needed.

  • signature(g1 = "ADEgS", g2 = "ADEgS", which = "missing", plot = "ANY")

The + method is defined for:

  • signature(e1 = "ADEg", e2 = "ADEg"): superpose e2 on e1

  • signature(e1 = "ADEg", e2 = "ADEgS"): superpose e2 to e1

  • signature(e1 = "ADEgS", e2 = "ADEg"): calls the + method with signature (e1 = "ADEg", e2 = "ADEgS").


An object of class "ADEgS".


Alice Julien-Laferriere, Aurelie Siberchicot and Stephane Dray

See also


cha <- LETTERS[1:20]
xy <-, runif(length(cha)))
g1 <- s.label(xy, labels = cha, ppoints.alpha = 0, pbackground.col = "grey85")

g2 <- s.label(xy, labels = cha, plabels.cex = 0, paxes.draw = TRUE, ppoints.pch = 4, 
  ppoints.col = "red")

g3 <- superpose(g1, g2, plot = TRUE)

g4 <- superpose(g2, g1, plot = TRUE)

data(jv73, package = "ade4")
pca1 <- ade4::dudi.pca(jv73$morpho, scannf = FALSE)
g5 <- s.label(pca1$li, plabels.optim = TRUE)

g6 <- s.class(pca1$li, jv73$fac.riv, starSize = 0, ellipseSize = 0, chullSize = 1, 
  ppolygons.alpha = 0.4, col = rainbow(12), ppoints.cex = 0)

g5 + g6

if (FALSE) g7 <- s.label(pca1$li, plabels.optim = TRUE, facets = jv73$fac.riv, plot = FALSE)
g8 <- s.class(pca1$li, jv73$fac.riv, facets = jv73$fac.riv, starSize = 0, chullSize = 1, 
  ellipseSize = 0, ppolygons.alpha = 0.4, col = rainbow(12), ppoints.cex = 0, plot = FALSE)
#> Error in multi.facets.S2(thecall, sortparameters$adepar, samelimits = sortparameters$g.args$samelimits): object 'pca1' not found
g9 <- superpose(g7, g8, plot = TRUE)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'g1' in selecting a method for function 'superpose': object 'g7' not found
 # \dontrun{}