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A class for group representation in triangular plot.

Objects from the Class

Tr.class objects can be created by calls of the form new("Tr.class", ...).

The regular usage in this package is to use the triangle.class function.



a list containing data or data's name.

  • dfxyz: the displayed values in the form of a data frame with three columns, a name or a matching call.

  • fac: a factor partitionning the rows of dfxyz.

  • wt: a vector of weights for fac.

  • labels: a vector containing the class' labels.

  • frame: a positive or null integer. It is the number of the frame containing the data (used with sys.frame(..., env = data$frame)). Only if the data are not stored (i.e. data$storeData = FALSE).

  • storeData: a logical indicating if the data should be stored in the returned object. If FALSE, only the names of the data arguments are stored.


a list of parameters for lattice call. It will be passed directly to par.settings arguments of the lattice function.


a list of graphical parameters, corresponding to the ones given by adegpar() function.

a list to create the trellis object.


a list containing some method parameters linked with the created object of ADEg.Tr class. The specific slots for Tr.class objects are:

  • ellipseSize: a positive number for ellipse size.

  • starSize: a number between 0 and 1 for star size.

  • chullSize: NULL or a vector of numbers between 0 and 1 for the convex hulls.

  • col: a NULL value, a color or a colors vector to color points, ellipses, labels, lines and polygons.

  • max3d and min3d: vectors of three values for triangular maximal and minimal limits.

  • adjust: a logical to adjust the device with the limits of the smaller equilateral triangle containing the values.


a list of internal preliminary calculations. The specific slots for S2.class objects are:

  • means: a matrix containing the weighted mean calculated for each fac value.

  • mean2d: a matrix containing the weighted mean calculated for each fac value on two-dimension.

  • covvar: a list containing the weighted variance-covariance matrices calculated for each fac value.

  • covvar2d: a list containing the weighted variance-covariance matrices calculated for each fac value on two-dimension.


a list of some others internal parameters:

  • ellipses: ellipses' coordinates.

  • chullcoord: convex hulls' coordinates.


an object of class call


Class ADEg.Tr, directly.
Class ADEg, by class ADEg.Tr, distance 2.
Class ADEgORtrellis, by class ADEg.Tr, distance 3.
Class ADEgORADEgSORtrellis, by class ADEg.Tr, distance 3.


The methods of the father classes "ADEg.Tr" and "ADEg" can be used by inheritance. The specific methods for Tr.class are:


signature(object = "Tr.class"): calls the parent method (prepare for ADEg.Tr), modifies some graphical parameters used by default and calculates ellipses, convex hulls and centroids.


signature(object = "Tr.class"): draws arrows, labels and points.


Alice Julien-Laferriere, Aurelie Siberchicot and Stephane Dray


#> Class "Tr.class" [package "adegraphics"]
#> Slots:
#> Name:          data  trellis.par     adeg.par       g.args
#> Class:         list         list         list         list         list
#> Name:         stats       s.misc         Call
#> Class:         list         list         call
#> Extends: 
#> Class "ADEg.Tr", directly
#> Class "ADEg", by class "ADEg.Tr", distance 2
#> Class "ADEgORtrellis", by class "ADEg.Tr", distance 3
#> Class "ADEgORADEgSORtrellis", by class "ADEg.Tr", distance 3