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adegpar can be used to set or query graphical parameters used in ADEg object display.

It is inspired by the par function of graphics package.





If it is empty, the return value is a named list containing all the current settings.

If it is a string of characters, the corresponding sub-list of parameters is return as information.

If it is a list containing keys and values, the corresponding changes in current settings are made.


The graphical parameters control apparency of the graphic. Calls can be made using either a list of list (e.g. plabels = list(col = "red")) or a list grouping both keys with "." (e.g. plabels.col = "red").

Parameters are re-used if needed in all ADEg object. If set globally, meaning using adegpar, all created objects afterwards will be affected.


Several parameters are used to create complete plot and accessible through adegpar.


parameters for one-dimension graphic, object of class inherited from "ADEg.S1" or "ADEg.C1"

  • horizontal: a logical indicating if the plot is horizontal

  • reverse: a logical indicating if the bottom of the plot is at the bottom (for horizontal as TRUE) or at the left of the device (for horizontal as FALSE). If FALSE, the graphical display bottom is at the top (for horizontal as TRUE) or at the right of the device (for horizontal as FALSE).

  • rug: a list dedicated to tick marks

    • draw: a logical indicating if the rugs are drawn

    • tck: size of the rug (ticks) in proportion from the reference line and the origin of the device (0.5 by default)

    • margin: where to draw the reference line (0.07 by default)

    • line: a logical indicating if the reference line is drawn using porigin arguments


arrows' parameters. see panel.arrows for more information

  • angle: angle from the shaft of the arrow to the edge of the arrow head

  • ends: kind of arrows to be drawn. Can be first, last or both

  • length: length of the edges of the arrow head


axis' parameters. Mostly inspired by xyplot function of lattice package

  • aspectratio: a character string to control physical aspect ratio of the graphic (drawing panel more specifically). iso for isometric scales, fill for drawing as big as possible or xy for banking rule

  • draw: a logical indicating if axis (tick marks and labels) are drawn around the graphic

  • x: a list used for the creation of x-axis in the trellis object. See xyplot for more information

    • draw: a logical indicating if x-axis (tick marks and labels) are drawn around the graphic

  • y: the same list as for x with draw parameters


background's parameters

  • col: background color

  • box: a logical indicating if a box is drawn surrounding the plot


ellipses' drawing parameters

  • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling ellipses' background transparency

  • axes: a list dedicated to ellipses' axis

    • draw: a logical indicating whether ellipses' axis are drawn

    • col: ellipses' axis color

    • lty: line type of ellipses' axis

    • lwd: line width of ellipses' axis

  • border: ellipses's border color

  • lty: line type of ellipses' border

  • lwd: line width of ellipses' border

  • col: ellipses' background color


grid's drawing parameters

  • draw: a logical indicating if grid is drawn in the background

  • col: grid's line color

  • lty: line type of grid line

  • lwd: line width of grid line

  • nint: an integer indicating the number of grid intervals expected

  • text: a list dedicated to grid legend text

    • cex: text size of grid legend

    • col: text color of grid legend

    • pos: a character string (topright, topleft, bottomleft, bottomright) or a vector of length 2 indicating text position of grid legend. If it is a vector, the default unit is npc (normalized parent coordinates).


labels' drawing parameters

  • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling label transparency

  • cex: labels' text size

  • col: labels' text color

  • srt: labels' text orientation. It can be horizontal, vertical or an angle indication in degrees

  • optim: a logical indicating if an algorithm is used to avoid labels' overlapping or outside limits

  • boxes: label's boxes parameters

    • draw: a logical indicating if labels are framed

    • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling labels' boxes transparency

    • border: boxes' border color

    • col: boxes' background color

    • lty: line type of boxes' border

    • lwd: line width of boxes' border


legend's drawing parameters (used for object of class inherited from T.value and S2.value)

  • drawKey: a logical indicating if the legend should be drawn. Legend can be provided by the key argument or is automatically generated for *.class and *.value functions

  • drawColorKey: a logical indicating if the color legend should be drawn (only for *.image functions)

  • size: size of the legend


lines' drawing parameters

  • col: lines color

  • lty: lines type

  • lwd: lines width


drawing parameters for neighbourhood graph

  • edge: edge's drawing parameters

    • col: edge color

    • lty: line type of edge

    • lwd: line width of edge

  • node: node's drawing parameters

    • pch: node's symbol type

    • cex: node's symbol size

    • col: node's symbol color

    • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling node's symbol transparency


drawing parameters for origin's lines. See panel.lines for more information

  • draw: a logical indicating if vertical and horizontal lines are drawn to indicate origin

  • include: a logical indicating if origin is included in the drawing limits

  • origin: a two-length vector indicating origin coordinates

  • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling origin's lines transparency

  • col: color of origin's lines

  • lty: origin's line type

  • lwd: origin's line width


a function taking one integer in argument indicating the number of expecting colors (for example using colorRampPalette)

  • quanti: adegpar()$ppalette$quanti(n) returns n colors shaded grey to white

  • quali: adegpar()$ppalette$quali(n, name) returns n differentiated colors. name argument is passed to the brewer.pal function of the RColorBrewer package and must be Accent, Dark2, Paired, Pastel1, Pastel2, Set1 (the default value), Set2 or Set3. When n is equal to 2, values for 'white' and 'black' colors are returned and can be not quite visible on the display.


points' drawing paameters

  • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling points transparency

  • cex: points size

  • col: points color

  • pch: points type

  • fill: points' background color (only for filled points type)


polygons' drawing parameters (used for example to draw convex hull for S2.class or Gaussian curves for C1.gauss objects). See lpolygon for more information.

  • border: polygon's border color

  • col: polygon's background color

  • lty: line type of polygon border

  • lwd: line width of polygon border

  • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling polygons' background transparency


drawing parameters for spatial object

  • col: spatial object's background color

  • border: spatial object's border color

  • lty: line type of spatial object border

  • lwd: line width of spatial object border

  • alpha: a value between 0 and 1 controlling spatial object transparency


subtitle's drawing parameters

  • cex: text size of subtitle

  • col: text color of subtitle

  • position: a character string (topright, topleft, bottomleft, bottomright) or a vector of length 2 indicating text position of subtitle. If it is a vector, the default unit is npc (normalized parent coordinates).

  • text: the character string to display


for table graphic, object of class inherited from ADEg.T

  • x: x-axis parameters

    • srt: text rotation

    • pos: position of the axis. It can be top or bottom. Otherwise axis and labels' axis are not drawn

    • tck: ticks size

    • adj: justification of labels

  • y: same as x list, but for y-axis

    • str, tck, adj

    • pos: position of the axis. It can be left or right. Otherwise axis and labels' axis are not drawn

  • margin: margin surrounding the drawing panel. The numbers indicate the bottom, left, top and right margins. Results are obtained passing margin to padding argument in lattice. Please see layout.heights and layout.widths parameters in lattice package for more information


Alice Julien-Laferriere, Aurelie Siberchicot and Stephane Dray

See also


oldparamadeg <- adegpar()
X <- data.frame(x = runif(50, -1, 2), y = runif(50, -1, 2))

#>  [1] "p1d"         "parrows"     "paxes"       "pbackground" "pellipses"  
#>  [6] "pgrid"       "plabels"     "plegend"     "plines"      "pnb"        
#> [11] "porigin"     "ppalette"    "ppoints"     "ppolygons"   "pSp"        
#> [16] "psub"        "ptable"     
adegpar("paxes.draw", "psub.cex")
#> $paxes
#> $paxes$draw
#> [1] FALSE
#> $psub
#> $psub$cex
#> [1] 1
#> [1] "white"
adegpar("paxes.draw" = TRUE, "psu.ce" = 3, "pback.col" = "grey85")
