Table of Fuzzy Biological Traits
This data set coleo (coleoptera) is a a fuzzy biological traits table.
is a list of 5 components.
- tab
is a data frame with 110 rows (species) and 32 columns (categories).
- species.names
is a vector of species names.
- moda.names
is a vector of fuzzy variables names.
- families
is a factor species family.
- col.blocks
is a vector containing the number of categories of each trait.
Bournaud, M., Richoux, P. and Usseglio-Polatera, P. (1992) An approach to the synthesis of qualitative ecological information from aquatic coleoptera communities. Regulated rivers: Research and Management, 7, 165–180.
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
coleo.fuzzy <- prep.fuzzy.var(coleo$tab, coleo$col.blocks)
#> 2 missing data found in block 1
#> 1 missing data found in block 3
#> 2 missing data found in block 4
fca1 <- dudi.fca(coleo.fuzzy, sca = FALSE, nf = 3)
indica <- factor(rep(names(coleo$col), coleo$col))
if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
glist <- list()
for(i in levels(indica)) {
df <- coleo$tab[, which(indica == i)]
names(df) <- coleo$moda.names[which(indica == i)]
glist[i] <- s.distri(fca1$l1, df, psub.text = as.character(i), ellipseSize = 0,
starSize = 0.5, plot = FALSE, storeData = TRUE)
G <- ADEgS(glist, layout = c(3, 3))
} else {
par(mfrow = c(3, 3))
for(j in levels(indica))
s.distri(fca1$l1, coleo$tab[, which(indica == j)], clab = 1.5, sub = as.character(j),
cell = 0, csta = 0.5, csub = 3, label = coleo$moda.names[which(indica == j)])
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))