Cubic Ecological Data
is a list of 6 data frames corresponding to 6 stages of vegetation.
Each data frame gives some bird species informations for 4 counties.
A list of six data frames with 79 rows (bird species) and 4 columns (counties).
The 6 arrays (S1 to S6) are the 6 stages of vegetation.
The attribut 'nomesp' of this list is a vector of species French names.
Blondel, J. and Farre, H. (1988) The convergent trajectories of bird communities along ecological successions in european forests. Oecologia (Berlin), 75, 83–93.
fou1 <- foucart(bf88, scann = FALSE, nf = 3)
#> Foucart's COA
#> class: foucart coa dudi
#> $call: foucart(X = bf88, scannf = FALSE, nf = 3)
#> table number: 6
#> $nf: 3 axis-components saved
#> $rank: 3
#> eigen values: 0.5278 0.3591 0.3235
#> blo vector 6 blocks
#> vector length mode content
#> $cw 4 numeric column weights
#> $lw 79 numeric row weights
#> $eig 3 numeric eigen values
#> data.frame nrow ncol content
#> $tab 79 4 modified array
#> $li 79 3 row coordinates
#> $l1 79 3 row normed scores
#> $co 4 3 column coordinates
#> $c1 4 3 column normed scores
#> **** Intrastructure ****
#> data.frame nrow ncol content
#> $Tli 474 3 row coordinates (each table)
#> $Tco 24 3 col coordinates (each table)
#> $TL 474 2 factors for Tli
#> $TC 24 2 factors for Tco
if(adegraphicsLoaded()) {
g1 <- scatter(fou1, plot = FALSE)
g2 <- s.traject(fou1$Tco, fou1$TC[, 1], plines.lty = 1:length(levels(fou1$TC[, 1])), plot = FALSE)
g3 <- s.traject(fou1$Tco, fou1$TC[, 2], plines.lty = 1:length(levels(fou1$TC[, 2])), plot = FALSE)
g41 <- s.label(fou1$Tco, plot = FALSE)
g42 <- s.label(fou1$co, plab.cex = 2, plot = FALSE)
g4 <- superpose(g41, g42, plot = FALSE)
G1 <- ADEgS(list(g1, g2, g3, g4), layout = c(2, 2))
G2 <- kplot(fou1, row.plab.cex = 0, psub.cex = 2)
} else {
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
s.traject(fou1$Tco, fou1$TC[, 1])
s.traject(fou1$Tco, fou1$TC[, 2])
s.label(fou1$co, add.p = TRUE, clab = 2)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
kplot(fou1, clab.c = 2, clab.r = 0, csub = 3)
#> Error in s.label(dfxy = fou1$li, xax = 1, yax = 2, plot = FALSE, storeData = TRUE, pos = -3, plabels = list(cex = 0.75), xlim = c(-1.58905122803571, 1.42885036980866), ylim = c(-1.41491882964118, 1.60298276820319 )): non convenient selection for dfxy (can not be converted to dataframe)