Plot of the Arrays
presents a graph for viewing the numbers of a table by square sizes.
- df
a data frame
- x
a vector of values to position the columns
- y
a vector of values to position the rows
- row.labels
a character vector for the row labels
- col.labels
a character vector for the column labels
- clabel.row
a character size for the row labels
- clabel.col
a character size for the column labels
- csize
a coefficient for the square size of the values
- clegend
a character size for the legend (if 0, no legend)
- grid
a logical value indicating whether the grid should be plotted
if(!adegraphicsLoaded()) {
w <- olympic$tab
w <- data.frame(scale(w))
wpca <- dudi.pca(w, scann = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
table.value(w, csi = 2, clabel.r = 2, clabel.c = 2)
table.value(w, y = rank(wpca$li[, 1]), x = rank(wpca$co[, 1]), csi = 2,
clabel.r = 2, clabel.c = 2)
table.value(w, y = wpca$li[, 1], x = wpca$co[, 1], csi = 2,
clabel.r = 2, clabel.c = 2)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))