CRAN_Release_Badge CRAN Downloads R-CMD-check License: GPL v3 Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. SWH

Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis

This package contains some new functions and many others that were included in development packages hosted in the sedaR project on R-Forge.

For instance, adespatial includes the forward.sel function (formerly in packfor) and all functions of spacemakeR. To have an overview of the package, read the vignette after installing the package by:

vignette("tutorial", package = "adespatial")

Installing the development version of adespatial

  • Install the release version of remotes from CRAN with install.packages("remotes").

  • Make sure you have a working development environment.

    • Windows: Install Rtools.
    • Mac: Install Xcode from the Mac App Store.
    • Linux: Install a compiler and various development libraries (details vary across different flavors of Linux).



If you do not wish to install the development environments Rtools (Windows) / XCode (Mac), we can supply binary packages of the development version of adespatial on request.

Installing the stable version of adespatial


Loading adespatial