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This data set gives 3 matrices about geographical, genetic and anthropometric distances.




yanomama is a list of 3 components:


is a matrix of 19-19 geographical distances


is a matrix of 19-19 SFA (genetic) distances


is a matrix of 19-19 anthropometric distances


Spielman, R.S. (1973) Differences among Yanomama Indian villages: do the patterns of allele frequencies, anthropometrics and map locations correspond? American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 39, 461--480.


Table 7.2 Distance matrices for 19 villages of Yanomama Indians. All distances are as given by Spielman (1973), multiplied by 100 for convenience in: Manly, B.F.J. (1991) Randomization and Monte Carlo methods in biology Chapman and Hall, London, 1--281.


    gen <- quasieuclid(as.dist(yanomama$gen)) # depends of mva
    ant <- quasieuclid(as.dist(yanomama$ant)) # depends of mva
    par(mfrow = c(2,2))
    plot(gen, ant)
    t1 <- mantel.randtest(gen, ant, 99);
    plot(t1, main = "gen-ant-mantel") ; print(t1)
#> Monte-Carlo test
#> Call: mantel.randtest(m1 = gen, m2 = ant, nrepet = 99)
#> Observation: 0.2999879 
#> Based on 99 replicates
#> Simulated p-value: 0.04 
#> Alternative hypothesis: greater 
#>     Std.Obs Expectation    Variance 
#>  1.98608496 -0.01307343  0.02484639 
    t1 <- procuste.rtest(pcoscaled(gen), pcoscaled(ant), 99)
    plot(t1, main = "gen-ant-procuste") ; print(t1)
#> Monte-Carlo test
#> Call: procuste.rtest(df1 = pcoscaled(gen), df2 = pcoscaled(ant), nrepet = 99)
#> Observation: 0.6819023 
#> Based on 99 replicates
#> Simulated p-value: 0.01 
#> Alternative hypothesis: greater 
#>     Std.Obs Expectation    Variance 
#> 3.268216127 0.543003495 0.001806241 
    t1 <- RV.rtest(pcoscaled(gen), pcoscaled(ant), 99)
    plot(t1, main = "gen-ant-RV") ; print(t1)
#> Monte-Carlo test
#> Call: RV.rtest(df1 = pcoscaled(gen), df2 = pcoscaled(ant), nrepet = 99)
#> Observation: 0.4272698 
#> Based on 99 replicates
#> Simulated p-value: 0.02 
#> Alternative hypothesis: greater 
#>     Std.Obs Expectation    Variance 
#> 2.782273928 0.249075125 0.004101943