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Performs a particular RLQ analysis where a partition of sites (rows of R) is taken into account. The within-class RLQ analysis search for linear combinations of traits and environmental variables of maximal covariance.


# S3 method for rlq
wca(x, fac, scannf = TRUE, nf = 2, ...)
# S3 method for witrlq
plot(x, xax = 1, yax = 2, ...)
# S3 method for witrlq
print(x, ...)



an object of class rlq (created by the rlq function) for the wca.rlq function. An object of class witrlq for the print and plot functions


a factor partitioning the rows of R


a logical value indicating whether the eigenvalues bar plot should be displayed


if scannf FALSE, an integer indicating the number of kept axes


the column number for the x-axis


the column number for the y-axis


further arguments passed to or from other methods


The wca.rlq function returns an object of class 'betrlq' (sub-class of 'dudi'). See the outputs of the print function for more details.


Wesuls, D., Oldeland, J. and Dray, S. (2012) Disentangling plant trait responses to livestock grazing from spatio-temporal variation: the partial RLQ approach. Journal of Vegetation Science, 23, 98--113.


Stéphane Dray

See also

rlq, wca, wca.rlq


afcL <- dudi.coa(log(piosphere$veg + 1), scannf = FALSE)
acpR <- dudi.pca(piosphere$env, scannf = FALSE, row.w = afcL$lw)
acpQ <- dudi.hillsmith(piosphere$traits, scannf = FALSE, row.w = afcL$cw)
rlq1 <- rlq(acpR, afcL, acpQ, scannf = FALSE)

wrlq1 <- wca(rlq1, fac = piosphere$habitat, scannf = FALSE)
#> Within RLQ analysis
#> call: wca.rlq(x = rlq1, fac = piosphere$habitat, scannf = FALSE)
#> class: witrlq dudi 
#> $rank (rank): 25
#> $nf (axis saved): 2
#> eigen values: 1.293 0.2569 0.087 0.0458 0.02769 ...
#>   vector length mode    content                    
#> 1 $eig   25     numeric eigen values               
#> 2 $lw    25     numeric row weigths (crossed array)
#> 3 $cw    54     numeric col weigths (crossed array)
#>    data.frame nrow ncol content                          
#> 1  $tab       25   54   crossed array (CA)               
#> 2  $li        25   2    R col = CA row: coordinates      
#> 3  $l1        25   2    R col = CA row: normed scores    
#> 4  $co        54   2    Q col = CA column: coordinates   
#> 5  $c1        54   2    Q col = CA column: normed scores 
#> 6  $lR        378  2    row coordinates (R)              
#> 7  $lsR       378  2    supplementary row coordinates (R)
#> 8  $mR        378  2    normed row scores (R)            
#> 9  $lQ        87   2    row coordinates (Q)              
#> 10 $mQ        87   2    normed row scores (Q)            
#> 11 $aR        2    2    axes onto within-RLQ axes (R)    
#> 12 $aQ        2    2    axes onto within-RLQ axes (Q)    
#> 13 $acR       2    2    RLQ axes onto within-RLQ axes (R)
#> 14 $acQ       2    2    RLQ axes onto within-RLQ axes (Q)
#> Error in s.class(dfxy = wrlq1$lsR, fac = piosphere$habitat, xax = 1, yax = 2,     plot = FALSE, storeData = TRUE, pos = -3, psub = list(text = "R row scores and classes"),     plabels = list(cex = 1.25)): non convenient selection for dfxy (can not be converted to dataframe)